Early August, the state of Kashmir was put under lockdown. A curfew was set and internet and telephone access were denied. Since then no one has truly known what has been going on inside of Kashmir.
But last week a staff member of OIN returned from Kashmir who shared with us what he had seen first-hand how the situation has deteriorated, not only for our beneficiaries but the poor and the needy.
Since the lockdown, orphans and widows are struggling to get food and medical supplies which they rely on to survive. As a result of the conflict, women and children are being forced into unfair situations being unable to leave their homes to work or go to school. They are being deprived of the things that are keeping them alive.
Not only have our orphanages had to bear the brunt of the war but many other orphanages in the area, in which majority of the neediest reside in, have been cut off from supplies and as a result have had no choice but to shut down. Abandoning hundreds of children.
Orphans in Need are doing the best to reach as many of the poor and needy as well all our beneficiaries in Kashmir. Right now, they all need us and with our teams on the ground, we are able to bring them necessities including food, and with the help of our supporters we can continue to do so.
As it stands, no one knows when the situation will settle, but what we do know is that children, women, and the needy desperately require our support.
Donate what you can.
Kashmir needs us.
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